Sunday, November 4, 2012

The differences between Liberals, Conservatives, and non-statists.
- Liberals and Conservatives want to make things illegal if they don't like it.
- Liberals and Conservatives want to legalize things they do like.
- non-statists want to decriminalize personal choices.

What is the difference between legalizing and decriminalizing?

If a conservative wants to smoke a cigarette in a bar, it's up to the owner of the establishment whether or not they can smoke. Legalization would mean taxes and government involvement. Taxes for allowing smoking. Perhaps even insurance to provide non-smokers with lawsuits against the establishment if they suffer from cancer 20 years later.

If a liberal wants to smoke weed in their back yard, perhaps a neighborhood kid sees you smoking it. Legalization might bring zone requirements, where and when you can smoke it. A lawsuit may ensue because the parent feels you exposed their child to something undesirable.

Legalization involves the government. They decide what you can and can't do at their discretion. Decriminalization takes the affair away from the government.

The government is the last answer to any situation, and should be only a solution in our physical defense.

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