Monday, January 28, 2013

The Road To Freedom

I see the road to freedom is paved in caltrops and spikes. Democrats and Republicans fight, but everyone else always loses. I see people praise the re-election of Barack Obama. A lot of people don't like it, I am one of those. However, I would not be praising a president Mitt Romney. A 2 party system run by people who desire the same thing, but both parties promise only 1/2 of the solution.

I was working 16-20 hrs a day for 8 years. I was giving to charity, and would have friends ask me for cash. It was bewildering when I found certain friends were just getting wasted on drugs with what I gave them. No more, and they acted like I was doing something wrong when I stopped supporting their habit. I'm supposed to work my life away while they party all day and night. I'm supposed to support these people. The government has a forced version of that, it's called welfare. When individual people see that people can't be trusted, the government takes over, charges you, and gives your money to someone who has no intention of paying it back or paying it forward. The government runs everything like they're playing with monopoly money. If they need more money, the Federal Reserve just starts up the presses.

Government is just a huge leech that doesn't care. They will take your money and give it away with no logical reason. Will government give that friend of yours a wake up call? Doubtful, they'll just keep taking your money and fight for more spending every time the budget comes up. People think they're getting free stuff, but they're not. Someone else pays for it, and it's not the president, it's you and me. There was a time when people took care of people, that time is gone. Now, government takes care of people, that just makes you their slave. They can mismanage their funds that they steal from taxpayers and claim they need more government to solve the problem. They act like they're doing "the right thing", but that's not what they're doing. They're dumbing us down.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I would suggest that people stop saying that government be run like a business, after all, isn't it already? Businesses work to expand and increase their revenues. That is exactly how our government operates currently. We need government to be run like a non-profit local grocery store.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The differences between Liberals, Conservatives, and non-statists.
- Liberals and Conservatives want to make things illegal if they don't like it.
- Liberals and Conservatives want to legalize things they do like.
- non-statists want to decriminalize personal choices.

What is the difference between legalizing and decriminalizing?

If a conservative wants to smoke a cigarette in a bar, it's up to the owner of the establishment whether or not they can smoke. Legalization would mean taxes and government involvement. Taxes for allowing smoking. Perhaps even insurance to provide non-smokers with lawsuits against the establishment if they suffer from cancer 20 years later.

If a liberal wants to smoke weed in their back yard, perhaps a neighborhood kid sees you smoking it. Legalization might bring zone requirements, where and when you can smoke it. A lawsuit may ensue because the parent feels you exposed their child to something undesirable.

Legalization involves the government. They decide what you can and can't do at their discretion. Decriminalization takes the affair away from the government.

The government is the last answer to any situation, and should be only a solution in our physical defense.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I always thought people have the ability to work together. I see more and more that people would rather control each other. We fall into a pit of overwhelming cries for statism. Groups of people trying to control other groups of people, and even people like me, who stay out of the group ideology. I am an individualist, and yet, I am subjected to special interests and people who find themselves to be morally and intellectually superior to me. When asked for advise, I give it, but I never forced it on anyone.

Today, I see politicians fighting for votes, never for freedom or what is right and just. They fight for their own selfish ends. I still see people argue over the (R) and (D). Both are parties that enforce statism in any way they can. I could argue from a conservative point of view, or a liberal point of view; but what you forget is that you destroy someone else's freedoms when you argue to force someone of the opposing view to follow your rules. If one is told what they must do in their home, in their yard, or in their own business, we are truly embracing statism.

If I was liberal, I would not like for the government to tell me I cannot have the freedom to smoke marijuana in establishments that allowed it. If I was conservative, the same could be said about cigarettes. Both sides will argue against their dislikes, but not about what is right. Someone might walk home from a bar realizing they drank too much to drive and at the discretion of law enforcement they may be arrested for a bogus infraction. Simply "public intoxication". Speed traps work the same way, show "50" mph then "35" for 200 feet then it's back to "50". A small space to catch you breaking their rules. Where is the right or wrong? It's just a ploy to give you a ticket.

Government has a great way of tricking those they wish. They will always tell you they are fighting for you. Politicians argue against using fossil fuels, yet they are big consumers at tax payer's expense. Politicians become millionaires at our expense. They will tell us what we need to do while they raise taxes and vote themselves raises. How do they make their millions? By swindling us and selling their votes to corporations. I know we all want to attack the corporations who lobby to them, but if we had control of our government in the first place, they couldn't do this to us! We have a centralized bank run by private organizations sanctioned by the government! Why haven't we taken down the Federal Reserve? Government points the finger at their allies because it doesn't matter. and they regulate the hell out of those who don't pay them off.

Do we want Liberty? Do we want Statism? Stop thinking you need to tell others what they need to accept! If we keep trying to stop others from insulting us because of our own views we CANNOT survive! We are a Republic, the idea is to protect the minority, not mob rule. If you like one thing, but someone else doesn't, they can't take it away just because they don't like it.